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Got Stress? Dr. D explains what stress is, what causes stress,
how it is bad for our bodies, and how to get rid
of the stress in your life.

Top 10 ways to get unserious

1. Laughter is the best medicine. Humor is an antidote for seriousness. Surround yourself with humorous items—tapes, cartoons, pictures, etc.
2. Develop a sense of humor. Create a humor log of things that make you laugh, such as funny events, stories and jokes. Write them down, practice them and share them with friends.
3. Use humor to defuse a negative situation. Don't tighten up...lighten up.
4. Eat well. Maintain a diet of nutritious foods. Eat slowly and enjoy the flavors and textures.
5. Take a comedy class. Check with local colleges or a professional comedian such as Jeff Justice's comedy school in Atlanta.
6. Learn to slow down and manage your time.
7. Work hard – play hard.. Do your best at work and do your best at home.
8. Get out of debt. Start by paying off credit cards. Start a savings account and invest it wisely.
9. Don't sweat the small stuff. It's all small stuff.
10. Practice safe stress. Stress can be good and bad. Learn to control daily stress with stress management ideas from Dr. Desaulniers book on the A To Z's of Stress Management.

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Copyright 2002-2003
Humor for Health, Inc.